Rails Error Tracking
DebugMate monitors common Rails errors, covering HTTP-related issues that may disrupt application performance.
Tracked Errors
Supported by Rails 7.2.1 with Ruby 3.2.3
Bad Request: Indicates client error.
Conflict: Conflicts in request handling.
Forbidden: Unauthorized action attempts.
Gateway Timeout: Server took too long to respond.
Internal Server Error: Server encountered an issue.
Method Not Allowed: Request method is not permitted.
Not Found: Resource could not be located.
Request Timeout: Server timeout during request.
Service Unavailable: Server temporarily unavailable.
Too Many Requests: Exceeded rate limit.
Unauthorized: User not authorized.
Unprocessable Entity: Request contains unprocessable content.
Unsupported Media Type: Unsupported media format.
Installation Process
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem "debugmate"
While the gem is not published in RubyGems, you can install from this repo directly:
gem 'debugmate', :git => 'https://github.com/DebugMate/rails', :branch => 'main'
You can also clone this repo and point the path to the gem if you want to contribute or test locally:
is relative to the project and the folder name is the one you decided when cloning the repo.
gem "debugmate", :path => "../debugmate"
And then execute:
Or install it yourself as:
gem install debugmate
Create config/debugmate.yml
in your rails application and provide the following values:
domain: http://debugmate.test
enabled: true
token: xxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx
Create config/initializers/debugmate.rb
with the following line:
DEBUGMATE_CONFIG = YAML.load_file("#{Rails.root}/config/debugmate.yml")
Get the last executed query with the exception
To be able to get the query, you must add the following boilerplate code to the debugmate.rb
This is the only way to get Rails to intercept the call for the moment:
module ActiveRecord
class LogSubscriber < ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber
# this allows us to call the original sql method. Ruby does copy the original method on the fly
alias_method :original_sql, :sql
def sql(event)
Debugmate::ExceptionHandler.last_executed_query = event.payload[:sql] if DEBUGMATE_CONFIG['data']['enabled'] === true
Debugmate::ExceptionHandler.last_executed_binds = event.payload[:binds] if DEBUGMATE_CONFIG['data']['enabled'] === true
Edit config/application.rb
to use Debugmate.
Add the middleware inside the Application class, ideally as the last line, following the example:
module Blog
class Application < Rails::Application
# --- Here is the exiting code ---
config.middleware.use Debugmate::ExceptionHandler
You can check that your setup is correct by issuing the test command as follows:
rails debugmate:test
Get the current User
As there are a lot of ways an user can be retrieved and maybe even the application has no user at all, if you want to know the current user that caused the exception, you must provide a public method called current_user
in your ApplicationController
This method must return a Hash with the id, name and email
You can follow the example. Debugmate only needs the Hash:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
def current_user
# --- some logic that gets the user for your application ---
user = {
id: 99,
name: "User from Rails",
email: "[email protected]"
Sending exceptions manually to Debugmate
If you want to catch an exception manually, you can do so using the Publish
class. Just pass the exception and call execute
def index
@articles = Article.test
rescue => my_error
Sending information about the request
If you want Debugmate to register more details about the exception, just pass the request along:
def index
@articles = Article.test
rescue => my_error
Debugmate::Publish.new(my_error, request).execute
Sending extra info to Debugmate
If you want to send some extra info about the exception, you can make use of the extra_data
parameter. Debugmate will display it in its Context
def index
@articles = Article.test
rescue => my_error
extra = {hello: 'world'}
Debugmate::Publish.new(my_error, request, extra).execute
Running tests
Go to the gem folder and run bundler to install the gem dependencies locally
To run the available tests, go to the gem folder and execute
bundle exec rspec
You can get the list of passing tests with the doc format:
bundle exec rspec --format doc